In May 2002 there was a historic meeting of founding members in Melaka, Malaysia,
which laid a step to create Asia Journalist Association.

The four initiators were Mr. Lee Sang-Ki, president of the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK); Mr. Seok-jae Kang, chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the JAK; Mr. Ivan Lim, president of the Singapore National Union of Journalists; and me, Norila Daud, president of the National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJM). Asia Journalist Association (AJA) was officially launched in Gyeongju, Korea on November 19, 2004 and became the official platform for Asian journalists to discuss and propose suggestions for journalist to move on in their careers. For AJA members, the most important thing is to keep in mind always that he or she should contribute to the development of journalism in Asia and the future of the Asian community.

The Initiative to Form AJA Started over Coffee in Malaysia by Norila Daud, AJA Vice President

AJA Comes to Incheon

APR 'AJA COMES TO INCHEON' / Baekryongdo Peace statement
AUG 'AJA Constitution' Revision
NOV AJA Executive Committee Election / AJA Official Website Renewal

'AJA Award 2023' 시상식

AJA-제주특별자치도청 MOU


'AJA Award 2022' 수상자 박해일 배우

'2030 부산엑스포 해외기자단 포럼'

AJA 화상회의

'AJA AWARD 2019' 수상자 봉준호 감독

'고맙다, 줄기세포' 아랍어판 출판기념회

MAY '2nd Forum for Overseas Journalists for Busan Expo 2030'
JUN MOU on ‘Nationalization, Globalization, and Futureization of Jeju 4.3’ with Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
NOV 'THE AsiaN' 12th Anniversary Special Lecture by Mr. Lee Man-soo, Chairman of Hulk Foundation 'Laos Baseball Propagation'/ 'AJA Award 2023' Ceremony for Laos National Baseball Team in Laos

FEB ‘THE AsiaN’ 10th Anniversary Special forum 'Next Leadership Toward Active ESG'
AUG Regular Meeting of AJA Board Members
OCT Inauguration of the 6th Chairman of the Board, Mr. Koo Bon-hong
NOV '2030 Busan Expo Overseas Journalists Forum' / 'AJA Award 2022' Ceremony for Actor Mr. Park Hae-il

MAY Gwangju-Myanmar Democracy Photo Exhibition Sponsorship
JUN MOU with Korean Commissions for Corporate Partnership

JUL 1st AJA On-line Video Conference
OCT Editorial Board of 'THE AsiaN', 'Magazine N' Establishment

JAN AJA Nepal Chapter Forum / Publication Commemoration of 'Thank You, Stem Cells' Arabic Edition in Cairo, Egypt
FEB AJA General Assembly 2019
SEP 'The Third Decade of the 21st Century 2020-2029' Forum
NOV 'AJA Award 2019' Ceremony for Film Director Mr. Bong Joon-ho

2018 AJA 정기 총회

‘2017 AJA Global Leaders Forum Indonesia’

제인 구달 박사-최재천 교수 초청 ‘에코 토크’

'AJA AWARD 2016' 수상자 조코위 인니 대통령

'Movie & Poem Talk'

이상기 창립회장 쿠웨이트 황금보트상 수상

MAR AJA General Assembly 2018
SEP MOU on Mekong Dialogue
OCT 'Green Asia Forum' by Environment Foundation Sponsorship
DEC 'AJA Award 2018' Announcement : Uzbekistan President Mr. Mirziyoyev, LG Group Chairman Mr. Koo Bon-moo, Egyptian Doctor Mr. Habib Yacob, and Vietnam National Football Team Head Coach Mr. Park Hang-seo

APR AJA General Assembly 2017
AUG 'Eco Talk' with Dr. Jane Goodall and Professor Mr. Choi Jae-chun / 'AJA Global Leaders Forum Indonesia'
DEC 'AJA Award 2017' Announcement : Philippine President Mr. Rodrigo Duterte, Alibaba Group Chairman Mr. Jack Ma, and Japanese Military Comfort Women Victims

APR AJA General Assembly 2016 / 'AJA Award 2016' Ceremony for Film Director Mr. Lee Joon-ik, Rep. Ms. Lee Jasmin, and NAVER LINE Corp.
MAY 'AJA Award 2016' Ceremony for Indonesian President Mr. Joko Widodo held in Korea
SEP 'AJA Korean-Mongolian Future Forum' in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

JAN AJA Training Program : Mr. Rahul Aijaz (Pakistan)
JUL AJA Training Program : Ms. Radwa Ashraf (Egypt)
NOV 'THE AsiaN' 4th Anniversary Celebration Night

MAR Kuwait Golden Boat Award : Founding President Mr. Lee Sang-ki / AJA-Lumbini Forum by AJA Nepal Chapter
AUG 'Movie & Poem Talk' with 2014 Manhae Prize Winner Mr. Mohsen Mahmalbaf, Mr. Ashraf Dalí


AJA 초청으로 방한한 아키 라 캄보디아 지뢰박물관장

AJA 대표단 쿠웨이트 정보부 장관 면담

'평창의 도전, 아시아의 도전' 포럼

아누라다 코이랄라 마이티네팔 이사장과 AJA 대표단

‘G20 정상회의와 아시아 언론의 시각’ 피스트레인

'Cheer Challenge' 1호 토크쇼

아시아 미디어 컨퍼런스 주제발표

‘아시아인의 꿈과 평화로의 길’ 터키 방문

삼성전자를 방문한 시린 에바디 여사

네팔 총리를 접견한 AJA 대표단

2009 AJA 정기 총회

FEB 'Peaceful Resolution of Territorial Disputes and the Role of the Media' Seminar / Mr. Ivan Lim, AJA President, Nepal ICT Conference Keynote Speech
MAR AJA Delegation Visit to Al-Arabi Conference in Kuwait / MOU with Al-Hilal Magazine in Egypt
JUN Offline Magazine 'Magazine N' Launch
JUL MOU with Iranian Literary Magazine Shokran
SEP 'Asian Cultural Journalists Forum' by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism / Asian Culture Press Statement
NOV 'Inter-Korean Peace Building through the Korean Peninsula Trust Process and the Role of Asian Journalists' Forum

MAR AJA Delegation Visit to Yinchuan City Government, China / AJA Statement Urging China to Recognize North Korean Defectors as Refugees
AUG Press Conference with Mr. Aki La, Director of the Cambodian Landmine Museum / MOU with the Nepalese Association in Korea
OCT AJA Delegation Meeting with Kuwaiti Minister of Information and Visit to Local Media Including KUNA and Al-Arabi / 'Seoul Nuclear Security Summit and the Role of Asian Media' forum
NOV THE AsiaN Arabic Edition Launch (Editor-in-Chief Mr. Ashraf Dali) / MOU with Moroccan Writers' Association
DEC MOU with Al Arabi Magazine in Kuwait

JAN AJA Presidency Attendance at 'Arabs go East' Forum in Kuwait / Meeting with Crown Prince of Kuwait Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah / AJA Middle East Chapter Launch
APR AJA Presidency Meeting with Prime Minister Jalanath Khanal and Mr. Sushil Koirala, Leader of the Opposition Party in Nepal
JUN Donor Organization Designation by the Ministry of Economy and Finance / AJA Presidency Participation in Press Conference in Beijing, China with Former Chairman of the China Journalists' Association
JUL 1st Intern Journalists Program
AUG AJA Cheer Challenge with Chairman Ms. Anuradha Koirala Maiti from Nepal and Ms. Hanbya / Pyeongchang Winter Olympics Forum 'Pyeongchang's Challenge, Asia's Challenge'
SEP Pyeongchang Olympics AJA Forum Resource Book Publication / Survey of Korean and Overseas Koreans on the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics
NOV 'THE AsiaN' Korean and English Edition Launch

FEB AJA's Private International Exchange Project 'Asian Dream and Path to Peace' in Turkey / AJA Turkey National Chapter
MAR AJA Presidency Visit to U.A.E
APR AJA Presidency Presentation at Asia Media Conference on 'Current Issues and Reporting in Asia-Pacific'
MAY Seoul-based Correspondents Meeting to Discuss Election Coverage / AJA Presidency Presentation at the Asia Media Summit in Beijing / 1st 'AJA Honoring the Teacher of the Heart'
JUL Corporation Approval by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism approved / 1st AJA Cheer Challenge 'The Mountain Story of Mr. Uhm Hong-gil, Ms. Oh Eun-sun'
OCT ‘G20 Summit and Asian Media Perspectives’ Forum / 1st Peace Train (Seoul-Busan) / Photo Angel Launch (Mr. Ko Myung-jin, Ambassador Mr. Park Sang-won)

FEB AJA Delegation Meeting with Nepal President, Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament
JUN AJA English Website Launch
AUG 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Winner Iranian Lawyer Ms. Shirin Ebadi Special Lecture and Iranian Human Rights Statement with the Korean Lawyers' Association / 'Global Eco-Leaders Festival' in Inje-gun, Gangwon-do / AJA News 1st issue Publication
SEP AJA Presidency Presentation at CAJ General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
OCT U-20 Head Coach Mr. Hong Myung-Bo's Leadership Lecture
DEC AJA General Assembly (Topic: 'Green Growth in the G20 Era' and 'Media and Terrorism') / 4th AJA Free Press Award (Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism) / Special Achievement Award (Mr. Ahn Byung-chan, Chairman of the Media Rights Center of Korea) / 1st Asia Shining Company Award (Samsung Electronics)

2008 AJA 정기 총회

홍명보 AJA 홍보대사 베이징올림픽 환송식

엄홍길 대장과 함께하는 백두산 희망 프로젝트

제1차 AJA 0730포럼

AJA 몽골지부 현판식

AJA 대표단 남바린 엥흐바야르 몽골 대통령 접견

2007 AJA 정기 총회

IFJ 특별총회

반기문 유엔사무총장과 이상기 AJA 창립회장

2006 AJA 정기 총회

JAN Mr. Lee Sang-ki, AJA President, Presentation at the Asia Media Forum in Bangkok by the US East-West Center
APR 1st AJA 0730 Forum (Mr. Cho Yong-geun, The President of the Korea Association of Tax Accountants, AJA Board Member, and Tax Policy Outlook of the New Government)
MAY 'Baekdu Mountain Hope Project with Captain Mr. Uhm Hong-gil' Launch
JUL Beijing Olympics Farewell Ceremony for AJA Ambassador Mr. Hong Myung-bo
AUG MOU with Yanbian Daily and Yanbian University of Science and Technology
SEP Junior AJA Launch
OCT AJA General Assembly (Topic: 'Climate Change and the Role of the Media') / AJA DMZ Environmental Statement / 3rd AJA Journalism Award (Mr. Yang Mingsen, China Environment Daily) AJA Free Press Award (Mr. Damdinsuren Baldkuyak, Mongolia) AJA Lifetime Achievement Award (Mr. Brajesh Bhatia, India)

JAN Meeting with UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon
MAR IFJ Special General Assembly at Mountain Kum-Gang
APR Northeast Asia Peace Forum Co-host
MAY Mr. Lee Sang-ki, AJA President, Speech at World Press Day Ceremony in Malaysia / MOU with Bernama, the National News Agency of Malaysia
OCT Cultural Visit to Phnom Penh and Angkor Wat, Cambodia
NOV AJA General Assembly : AJA Press Award (Mr. Genji Nagai), Mr. Uhm Hong-gil and Mr. Hong Myung-bo, Head coach of the South Korea National football team, Appointment for AJA Ambassadors
DEC AJA Mongolia Chapter

OCT AJA Board of Directors Establishment and the Election of 1st Chairman, Mr. Lee Soo-sung, Former Prime Minister
NOV AJA General Assembly : The Nepal Press Association received the inaugural AJA Media Award / The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Requesting AJA Associate Membership
DEC AJA Delegation Meeting with Mongolian President Mr. Nambarin Enkhbayar / Medal of Honor for the 800th Anniversary of Mongolia Presentation to Mr. Lee Sang-ki, AJA President

OCT Asian Journalists Forum (70 Participants from 30 countries)
DEC Decision of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Sydney, Australia, to Co-host AJA-JAK 2007 Mountain Kum-Gang Special Congress

NOV Asia Journalist Association (AJA), International Organisation to Discuss Peace and Development of Asia, Press Freedom, and Journalism, Launch / Mr. Lee Sang-ki, AJA 1st President Election