Mr. Koo Bon-hong
Chairman of the board
Asia Journalist Association (AJA), founded in 2004 by veteran journalists from Asia, has now celebrated its 20th anniversary. There is a Korean proverb that says, “Even the mountains and rivers change in 10 years.” If we compare Asia in 2004 with Asia today, we can see how meaningful this proverb is.
The world unanimously proclaims, “The 21st century is the era of Asia.” This shows that Asia’s enormous potential, including its vast area, vast underground support, wide climate zone, diverse flora and fauna, and largest population, has finally begun to explode. The tremendous changes that have occurred in Asia over the past 20 years since the beginning of the 21st century have not only included its existing geopolitical importance, but have also reorganized and moved the world around Asia in terms of politics, economy, diplomacy, security, and culture. AJA was launched with a sense of mission to be the first to recognize this trend and open a true era of Asia through Asian solidarity.
Despite the dazzling changes in Asia in the 21st century, the world still viewed Asia through the lens of the 20th century. Asia also viewed the world through that narrow lens. AJA was established with the goal of breaking away from that lens, looking at international issues from the perspective of the our pride and self-esteem. AJA also was founded to and resolve the imbalance of perspectives between the East and the West. This is precisely the founding spirit of AJA.
The fact that "THE AsiaN" and "Magazine N", published based on AJA’s network, are faithfully fulfilling their original roles as media outlets also speaks to AJA’s status. THE AsiaN is the world’s first and only joint alternative media, founded on November 11, 2011 by veteran writers affiliated with AJA to report diverse news from the "Asian scene" with a balanced "Asian perspective." The initial "N" is the first letters of "Next", "News", and "Network". They are the values that AJA pursues. The value comes from the founding spirit of AJA. It goes without saying that AJA’s media outlets have established themselves in this way thanks to the editorial department, management, and AJA members who deliver vivid news from Asia.
Now that AJA is celebrating its 20th anniversary, we must once again reflect on the fact that we must uphold our founding spirit, our goals, and our values as we have done so far. This is also the noble original intention of journalism. Let’s move forward together to establish our own vision and strategy that is truly fit for the 21st century based on what AJA has achieved so far.
I asked all of AJA family to work together to create AJA’s creative future strategy that lives up to the slogan, "The Era of Asia in the 21st Century." As the chairman, I will also contribute my wisdom and capabilities based on my experience.
I hope that all the members of AJA, the board of directors, and the management will receive great grace and blessings.

Mr. Sophal Chhay
President of AJA
Dear AJA Members and Fellow Journalists,
Welcome to the AJA website! I hope this message finds you well as we look forward to the year 2025 and beyond.
Every day, people around the world need our journalists’ news and opinion articles in both old and new media to reflect their governments, politics, economy, trade and business, cultures, religions, and people as well as to reflect the whole world.
Our global journalist colleagues, particularly the Asian ones, face many challenges every minute in fulfilling their jobs—gathering information for their news articles, photos, and footages for public interest. While covering news for our readers, listeners, and viewers on peace and harmony, climate change, and other important issues for a better world, many journalists have been killed and injured both in the fields and newsrooms from the East to the West and from the South to the North, especially in the Middle East like today.
Using pens and papers with news sources, including both cameras and VDO cameras for our audiences, journalists’ daily job is, in fact, unlike a commodity in the business sector. However, journalists keep in their hearts a sense of mission to protect world peace and universal human rights.
From day to day and week to week, besides getting a storm of information from both online and offline everywhere, our journalists are also running side by side with Citizen Journalists and Social Media with fake news and information while AI can imitate human works, including journalists’ tasks. In the digital age, AI can produce both fact and fake news and information as well as fake humans. The fake actually can provoke untruth, discrimination, chaos, insecurity, and public disorder, and even armed conflicts and war. With such a situation, journalists are fighting against fake news to protect “one line of the truth.”
Here, I am really delighted and very proud that I have been selected by the AJA Executive Committee with supports from all members to be AJA President from 2025. No one is perfect, but with my term in the position, I hope that I am getting more supports and smooth cooperation from you all for AJA so that we can share the world with our voice.
Let us strengthen our journalism profession and ethics and join together for world peace and harmony with smiles and friendliness in order to help save our world from separation and discrimination.
Stay safe, healthy, and happy. Thank you.